In our previous posts, we’ve already covered several essential Spanish phrases you need to know when you begin learning Spanish. These include saying “Hello,” “Thank you,” and asking “How are you?” or keeping the conversation going. Now, it’s time to learn a few handy ways to say “Goodbye” in Spanish and how to bid farewell to someone.
There are many different ways to say goodbye in Spanish that depend on the relationship you have with the person you're parting ways with. Learning different Spanish phrases will help make your travels to Spain and Latin America where Spanish is the official language as well as communication with native Spanish speakers much more enjoyable.
Below, you will find several of the most common ways to say goodbye in Spanish – check them out!
When it comes to saying “Goodbye” in Spanish, the most common word you'll hear is Adiós. This is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of situations, whether you're parting ways with a friend, family member, or acquaintance.
Remember, adiós is also used informally. If you're saying goodbye to someone you don't know well or want to show respect to, it's best to use one of the other phrases on this list.
¡Hasta luego!
Hasta luego is another way to say "Goodbye" in Spanish and can be used in both formal and informal situations. The direct translation of this phrase is "until later," so it's most commonly used when you know you'll see the person again soon.
¡Hasta luego!
See you later!
You might say Hasta luego to a coworker as you leave the office for the day or to a friend before heading home from hanging out. You can also hear native speakers say Te veo luego, which translates to “Catch you later” or a shorter “See ya.”
Te veo luego
Catch you later
Alternatively, you can say Hasta la próxima, which means “See you next time,” if you don’t know exactly when your next meeting will take place.
Hasta la próxima
See you next time
¡Nos vemos!
Nos vemos is a phrase you'll often hear in Latin American countries as it's a very common way to say “Goodbye.” Like hasta luego, it can be used in both formal and casual contexts since it literally translates to "we'll see each other."
¡Nos vemos!
See you!
You might also hear Nos vemos pronto or Nos vemos luego, which mean "See you soon" and “See you later,” respectively.
Nos vemos pronto
See you soon
Nos vemos luego
See you later
Alternatively, you can use the phrase Nos vemos más tarde to say “see you later,” just like in the example below:
Bueno, ¿nos vemos más tarde para una taza de té?
Well, we'll see you later for a cup of tea?
If you're saying goodbye in Spanish to someone you don't know well, it's always best to err on the side of caution and go with a more formal phrase.

If you want to say goodbye in Spanish and wish someone well at the same time, Cuídate is the word you're looking for. Its literal translation is "take care" and can be used in both formal contexts like a job interview and informal contexts like catching up with friends.
Take care!
This is a great phrase to use if you're saying goodbye to someone you care about and want to make sure they stay safe.
¡Que te vaya bien!
¡Que te vaya bien! is another phrase that can be used to say goodbye and wish someone well before you part ways. It’s one of the most popular sayings in both Spanish and Latin America and it roughly translates to "Hope things go well for you" or “Have a good one!”.
¡Que te vaya bien!
Have a good one!
You can use it informally with friends. For example, you might say this phrase to someone before they go on a trip, embark on a new adventure, or undertake a new challenge.
¡Hasta pronto!
If you know you'll be seeing the person again in the near future, Hasta pronto is a great way to say goodbye. It literally means "See you soon" and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
¡Hasta pronto!
See you soon!
This is a common phrase you'll hear in Spanish-speaking countries since it's a way to express that you'll be seeing someone shortly.
¡Que pases un buen día!
Wishing someone a good day in Spanish is a great way to say goodbye and show you care. ¡Que pases un buen día! translates to "Have a nice day!" and is one of those Spanish goodbyes that can be used in both informal and formal situations.
¡Que pases un buen día!
Have a nice day!
You might hear this phrase often in Spanish-speaking countries as it's commonly used as a farewell.
Alternatively, you can also use the phrase ¡Que tengas buen día! to say “Have a good day!” in Spanish.
¡Que tengas buen día!
Have a good day!
If someone wishes you a good day in Spanish, it’s polite to reciprocate by saying “Thank you, you too.” Here are two expressions in Spanish that will come in handy:
Gracias, tú también
Thank you, you too
Gracias, igualmente
Thanks and the same to you

¡Hasta la vista!
¡Hasta la vista! is a phrase you might be familiar with from that famous scene in The Terminator. It’s an informal phrase that translates to "until next time" and is generally used in friendly situations to say goodbye in Spanish.
¡Hasta la vista!
So long!
You might say this phrase to someone you're close with before parting ways. For example, you might say it to a friend before leaving their party.
Hasta mañana
If you know you’re going to see the same people tomorrow, you can use the informal phrase Hasta mañana. It's a shortened version of saying "see you tomorrow" – Nos vemos mañana – and is usually used with close friends, family members, and new acquaintances.
Hasta mañana
See you tomorrow
This is a handy phrase to know if you're making plans with someone to meet up the next day.
¡Que tengas buena suerte!
If you want to wish someone luck before you part ways, you can say ¡Que tengas buena suerte! This phrase is translated to mean "Good luck!" and is used as more of a well-wishing sendoff. Using it will bring you closer to speaking like a native Spanish speaker.
¡Que tengas buena suerte!
Good luck!
This is an easy, informal way to say goodbye. For example, you might use it if your friend is headed off on a big trip or undertaking a new venture, you can tell them this in order to express your hopes for their success.
¡Que dios te acompañe!
This phrase translates to “May God go with you!” and is used as more of a well-wishing sendoff. It’s similar to Que tengas buena suerte, but is more religious in nature.
¡Que dios te acompañe!
May God go with you!
You might hear this phrase used often by an elder person like a grandmother or people from rural areas.
Mucho gusto
This phrase is technically not a goodbye, but rather an introduction. It’s a way of saying “nice to meet you” and can be used in both formal and casual situations. However, it can be used informally as a way to say goodbye to someone you’ve just met.
Mucho gusto
Nice to meet you
For example, you might say Mucho gusto to someone after shaking their hand or exchanging names.

Chau / Chao
Chau is a very informal way to say goodbye in Spanish which is likely derived from Italian Ciao and is usually only used among friends. It doesn’t have a direct translation to English, but it’s generally understood to mean “bye.”
You might hear Spanish speakers use this phrase in Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile.
Buenas noches
Buenas noches is a phrase you can use to say goodbye at night. It can be used in the meanings of “Good evening” and “Good night” in both formal and casual situations. This is a common phrase you’ll hear people say before going to bed or leaving for the night.
Buenas noches
Good night
Feliz noches is used the same way as Buenas noches, but literally translates to “Happy night” and is a more formal way to say “Have a good night” in Spanish.
Feliz noches
Good night
The Bottom Line

There are many different ways to say goodbye in Spanish, depending on the situation and the relationship between the people saying goodbye. We've provided a variety of phrases that you can use in your own conversations, for both formal to informal situations.
Familiarize yourself with them all so you'll be prepared for any type of farewell encounter while traveling or talking to a native speaker.
You can also download our Langster app to learn Spanish with stories and find more ways to wish someone a good day in Spanish, written and spoken. ¡Que tengas buena suerte!