In Spanish, some verbs are often accompanied by specific prepositions. This information is very useful, because it helps you to learn these verbs and preposition combos as collocations in order to use them successfully.
Me encanta ayudar a las personas.
I love helping people.
Note that this does not mean the verbes cannot be used with other prepositions, but that it is more common to use them with the following ones.
Verbs Used with the Preposition A
Rule 1. The following verbs often appear with the preposition a.
ayudar a |
acostumbrar a |
atreverse a |
comprometerse a |
limitarse a |
empezar a |
ayudar a |
acostumbrar a |
atreverse a |
comprometerse a |
limitarse a |
empezar a |
Nunca me he atrevido a hacer puentismo.
I have never dared to go bungee jumping.
Verbs Used with the Preposition en
Rule 2. The following verbs often appear with the preposition en.
pensar en |
dudar en |
consistir en |
insistir en |
tardar en |
quedar en |
pensar en |
dudar en |
consistir en |
insistir en |
tardar en |
quedar en |
Espero que no tarden en preparar nuestra orden.
I hope it won't take long to prepare our order.
Verbs Used with the Preposition de
Rule 3. The following verbs often appear with the preposition de.
alegrarse de |
disfrutar de |
arrepentirse de |
acordarse de |
olvidarse de |
abusar de |
adueñarse de |
alegrarse de |
disfrutar de |
arrepentirse de |
acordarse de |
olvidarse de |
abusar de |
adueñarse de |
Toda mi familia se alegró de mi ascenso.
My whole family was delighted with my promotion.
Verbs Used with the Preposition con
Rule 4. The following verbs often appear with the preposition con. Remember that when the preposition con is accompanied by the pronouns yo or tú, you have to contract them to conmigo and contigo, respectively.
soñar con |
casarse con |
romper con |
contar con |
soñar con |
casarse con |
romper con |
contar con |
Anoche soñé contigo, fue un sueño muy raro.
Last night I dreamt about you, it was a very strange dream.
Nos debemos atrever ___ decir sí más seguido.
correct answers.