In this article, let's take a look at different constructions that you can use with relative pronouns.



Mi hermano, el cual dijo eso, se portó tranquilo

My brother, who said that, was quiet.

Quick Review of Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are words that add more information about the subject of the sentence. They are usually placed between commas and used with the following construction:

subject +relative pronoun+ verb

How to Use This Construction?

Since relative pronouns are used for different reasons, they can be divided into two categories.

Pronouns to talk about ideas and people

Use the following construction when talking about people or things that fall in the masculine grammatical category.

masculine subject + el cual, los cuales + verb



El evento, el cual se había planeado desde hace un año, salió muy bien.

The event, which had been planned for a year, went very well.

Use the following construction when talking about people or things that fall in the feminine grammatical category.

feminine subject + la cual, las cuales + verb



Mis hermanas, las cuales empezaron la discusión, se levantaron y se fueron.

My sisters, who started the discussion, got up and left.

subject + que +verb

Que is the most common relative pronoun in Spanish, since it can be used with people, animals, or things, and can be used in sentences both with and without commas.



Juana, que sabe hablar español, ordenó todo en el restaurante.

Juana, who can speak Spanish, ordered everything in the restaurant.

Pronouns to talk about people

Quien and quienes are only used with people. Use them in the following construction:

subject + quien, quienes + verb + complementary information



Alicia, quien estuvo enferma de la gripa, ahora está bien.

Alicia, who was sick with the flu, is now well.

It is also very common to find these pronouns accompanied by the preposition con. In this case, you would use the following construction.

subject + con + quien, quienes + verb + complementary information



Lalo, con quien se casó mi hermana, es buena persona.

Lalo, who my sister married, is a good person.



Mis tíos, _______ acaban de comprar una parrilla, nos invitaron a una carne asada.


correct answers.