One of the uses of the subjunctive mode is to express doubt or uncertainty about a situation.
When the phrase "dudo que" (I doubt that) is used, it triggers the subjunctive mood, indicating that the speaker is unsure or skeptical about the veracity or possibility of the following statement.
Dudo que ella pueda resolver el problema.
I doubt that she can solve the problem.
Expressing Uncertainty With "Dudo Que" + Subjunctive
The use of "dudo que" followed by the subjunctive mood can be employed in various contexts, such as expressing doubt about the truthfulness of a statement, questioning the likelihood of an event occurring, or even indicating skepticism about someone's intentions or abilities.
It conveys a sense of uncertainty and indicates that the speaker does not fully believe or trust the information or situation being discussed.
To express uncertainty, use the following construction:
- Dudo que + verb in the present subjunctive
Dudo que tengamos suficiente comida para la fiesta.
I doubt we will have enough food for the party.
For example, suppose someone says:
Dudo que él llegue a tiempo.
I doubt that he will arrive on time.
The use of the subjunctive after "dudo que" expresses the speaker's skepticism or uncertainty regarding the subject’s punctuality. It suggests that the speaker does not have full confidence in his ability to arrive at the appointed time.
You can express the same function with the following constructions:
No creo que...
I don't think that...
No estoy seguro(a)(e) de que...
I am not sure that...
No pienso que...
I do not think that...
What's the correct verb conjugation in this sentence?
Dudo que ______________ suficiente comida para la fiesta.
correct answers.