1. Expressing Opposition/Restriction With Während

In German, the conjunction "während" can be used to express opposition or restriction between two clauses. It typically indicates that one action or event is taking place at the same time as another, but in contrast to it.

The clause that comes after "während" is often introduced by a verb in the indicative mood, while the main clause uses a verb in the subjunctive mood. The verb in the main clause typically expresses a contrary or restrictive idea to the one in the subordinate clause.



Während ich gerne schwimme, habe ich Angst vor tiefem Wasser.

While I like swimming, I'm afraid of deep water.

Expressing Opposition/Restriction With Während

Adversative clauses indicate an opposite or a restriction. We can form them with a subordinate clause introduced by the conjunction während.



Hans lernt viel für die Schule, während Laura überhaupt nicht lernt!

Hans studies a lot for school, while Laura doesn't study at all!



Choose the correct form: ___ sie eine Diät macht, isst sie sehr viel.


correct answers.