In German, verbs with prepositions are used to express specific actions and emotions, often in relation to a person or object.
Sich freuen über, for example, is used to express joy or delight about something.
Ich freue mich über meinen Urlaub.
I am happy about my vacation.
Verbs with prepositions (sich freuen über / auf)
Some verbs come with a preposition attached. You should always learn the verb with its corresponding preposition.
achten auf (+dat.) ➝ to watch, to take care of
Using different prepositions with a verb can create completely different meanings:
sich freuen auf (+acc.)
to look forward to
sich freuen über (+acc.)
to be pleased about
Note: Prepositions used with these verbs behave like normal prepositions and affect the case of the following noun in the normal way.
Adjectives with prepositions (stolz auf)
Some adjectives also possess a preposition. You should always learn these adjectives with their corresponding preposition.
Die Lehrerin ist nett zu ihren Schülern.
The teacher is nice to her students.
Sie ist sehr stolz auf ihre Tochter.
She is very proud of her daughter.
Note: Prepositions used with these adjectives behave like normal prepositions and affect the case of the following noun in the normal way.
Choose the correct form: Der Mann ist stolz ___ seinen Sohn.
correct answers.