In English grammar, we use Future in the Past to refer to the future from the perspective of some point in the past. To do so, we use the grammar constructions would or was/were going to or was/were + the main verb in the present progressive form (i.e., +ing) as future forms.

There are two different forms to express future in the past: 'would' and 'was going to'.

It is frequently used to express that some anticipated event does not occur or an expectation is canceled. These two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, but often express different meanings.

It is important to understand how the past tense is used in these constructions.

Future in the past cannot be used in time clauses, such as when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc.

Consider the following sentences:

These examples illustrate how future in the past is used.



I was going to tell them but I didn't get the chance.

Here, Future in the Past indicates that something didn’t turn out as expected.

Rule 1: We use Future in the Past with would to talk about a past future promise or prediction with no evidence. For instance, she promised she would be there.



She always thought they would be married till the end of time, but he wasn’t so committed.

We use the future in the past (with would) to express a future past promise.

Rule 2: We use Future in the Past with was/were going to to talk about a past future firm plan, intention, or a prediction with evidence. This construction is used to describe events that were expected to happen.



She was going to apply for a new job position, but it got closed too quickly.

We use the future in the past (with was going to) to express a future past intention.

Rule 3: We use Future in the Past with was/were + the main verb +ing to talk about a future in the past that was a personal arrangement. This is often referred to as a future relative.



They were getting married that morning.

We use the future in the past (with were + the main verb in the present progressive form) to express a personal arrangement.



Choose a suitable Future in the Past structure. They (to have) guests that evening.


correct answers.