A drawing that illustrates Spanish prepositions.

Spanish prepositions can often challenge English speakers trying to master the language. Unlike in English, prepositions in Spanish follow stricter rules and sometimes don’t have direct translations, making them tricky to use properly.

But, fear not! Understanding the different types and uses of Spanish prepositions will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish — and we’re here to help!

From indicating location and time to expressing relations between objects or directions, prepositions are crucial connectors in any language. In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down Spanish prepositions by their uses, offering clear explanations and examples to help you learn the language just like native Spanish speakers.

Prepositions of Time

Time-related prepositions in Spanish are essential words. They allow you to discuss when something happens by denoting specific times, durations, and frequency.

These include terms reflecting points in time (e.g., at 5 o'clock), duration (e.g., for two hours), and other temporal relationships. Getting these right is key when making plans or talking about events.

Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
A at Nos vemos a las ocho. See you at eight.
En on/in Hablamos en la mañana. We talk in the morning.
De...a... from...to... Trabajo de lunes a viernes. I work from Monday to Friday.
Durante during Escuché música durante el viaje. I listened to music during the trip.
Por for Estudié español por dos años. I studied Spanish for two years.
Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
A at Nos vemos a las ocho. See you at eight.
En on/in Hablamos en la mañana. We talk in the morning.
De...a... from...to... Trabajo de lunes a viernes. I work from Monday to Friday.
Durante during Escuché música durante el viaje. I listened to music during the trip.
Por for Estudié español por dos años. I studied Spanish for two years.

Prepositions of Place

Soren and Pocky going to the beach, Soren saying

Prepositions of place give us an idea of where something is located or the direction in which something is moving. They can specify proximity (next to), direction (toward), and orientation (above, under), among others.

Here are the most common Spanish prepositions of place:

Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
En/sobre on El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table.
En in Estoy en el cine. I am in the cinema.
En at Estoy en casa. I am at home.
Delante de in front of La mesa está delante del TV. The table is in front of the TV.
Encima de above El cuadro está encima de la cama. The picture is above the bed.
Debajo de below El gato está debajo de la mesa. The cat is below the table.
Al lado de next to La casa está al lado de la iglesia. The house is next to the church.
Entre between El banco está entre el supermercado y la biblioteca. The bank is between the supermarket and the library.
Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
En/sobre on El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table.
En in Estoy en el cine. I am in the cinema.
En at Estoy en casa. I am at home.
Delante de in front of La mesa está delante del TV. The table is in front of the TV.
Encima de above El cuadro está encima de la cama. The picture is above the bed.
Debajo de below El gato está debajo de la mesa. The cat is below the table.
Al lado de next to La casa está al lado de la iglesia. The house is next to the church.
Entre between El banco está entre el supermercado y la biblioteca. The bank is between the supermarket and the library.

Prepositions of Motion

Motion prepositions in the Spanish language often work with verbs of movement, indicating direction towards a place, following a path, or moving in relation to a location. When you talk about movement or directions, you’ll need to use these prepositions to specify your path or destination.

Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
A/hacia to Voy a la playa. I am going to the beach.
Hacia towards Camina hacia la luz. Walk towards the light.
Por through Paseamos por el parque. We walk through the park.
Alrededor de around Andamos alrededor de la ciudad. We walk around the city.
A lo largo de along Conducimos a lo largo de la costa. We drive along the coast.
Por by Paso por tu casa. I pass by your house.
Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
A/hacia to Voy a la playa. I am going to the beach.
Hacia towards Camina hacia la luz. Walk towards the light.
Por through Paseamos por el parque. We walk through the park.
Alrededor de around Andamos alrededor de la ciudad. We walk around the city.
A lo largo de along Conducimos a lo largo de la costa. We drive along the coast.
Por by Paso por tu casa. I pass by your house.

Prepositions of Manner

The manner prepositions in Spanish are related to the way in which an action is carried out. These important Spanish prepositions are used to describe how something is done or to express conditions, means, or modes.

They offer details that paint a clearer picture of an action or situation:

Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
Por by Voy por avión. I go by plane.
Con with Escribo con lápiz. I write with a pencil.
Sin without Viajo sin equipaje. I travel without luggage.
Según according to Según el doctor, estoy bien. According to the doctor, I'm fine.
En lugar de instead of Leo en lugar de ver la televisión. I read instead of watching TV.
Spanish PrepositionEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
Por by Voy por avión. I go by plane.
Con with Escribo con lápiz. I write with a pencil.
Sin without Viajo sin equipaje. I travel without luggage.
Según according to Según el doctor, estoy bien. According to the doctor, I'm fine.
En lugar de instead of Leo en lugar de ver la televisión. I read instead of watching TV.

Compound Prepositions

Soren speaking on the phone, standing behind a tree and saying

Compound prepositions (also called prepositional phrases) are formed by joining two more simple prepositions to provide a more specific sense of direction, location, or relation. These can be particularly tricky to learn and deserve extra practice.

Spanish Prepositional PhraseEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
Junto a next to El estacionamiento está junto al banco. The parking lot is next to the bank.
Enfrente de in front of La parada está enfrente de la tienda. The stop is in front of the store.
Detrás de behind El jardín está detrás de la casa. The garden is behind the house.
A nombre de on behalf of Firma a nombre de la compañía. Sign on behalf of the company.
Encima de on top of El gato duerme encima de la cama. The cat sleeps on top of the bed.
Spanish Prepositional PhraseEnglish EquivalentExampleTranslation
Junto a next to El estacionamiento está junto al banco. The parking lot is next to the bank.
Enfrente de in front of La parada está enfrente de la tienda. The stop is in front of the store.
Detrás de behind El jardín está detrás de la casa. The garden is behind the house.
A nombre de on behalf of Firma a nombre de la compañía. Sign on behalf of the company.
Encima de on top of El gato duerme encima de la cama. The cat sleeps on top of the bed.

How to Learn Spanish Prepositions

Get started with Spanish prepositions: understand their usage and grasp their nuanced meanings, so you can start using them in conversation with confidence and precision.

Practice with Visual Aids

In addition to memorizing Spanish prepositions and their English equivalents, make sure to include example sentences or phrases showcasing how each preposition is used in context.

For instance, pair the preposition a las with a picture of a clock showing 8 o'clock and the sentence Voy a la escuela a las 8 de la mañana.

Incorporate diverse visual representations to cover a range of time-related scenarios. For instance, use images of different types of clocks (analog, digital) displaying various times of the day or week and calendars highlighting specific dates, holidays, or events.

Interactive Visuals

Create interactive visual aids, such as digital flashcards or interactive presentations, where learners can click on each preposition to reveal its English equivalent and an associated example sentence. This interactive approach enhances engagement and facilitates active learning.

Include photographs or drawings depicting real-life situations where time prepositions are commonly used, such as people commuting to work, attending appointments, or participating in leisure activities. This adds authenticity to the learning process and reinforces practical application.

Multi-Sensory Approach

Consider incorporating auditory cues alongside visual elements, such as recording pronunciations of the prepositions and example sentences.

This multi-sensory approach appeals to different learning styles and reinforces both visual recognition and auditory comprehension.

Contextual Practice

Using Spanish prepositions in context is essential for developing fluency and proficiency in Spanish. Create more elaborate scenarios or narratives that require the use of multiple time prepositions in different contexts. For example, describe a typical day from morning to night, detailing activities and appointments using appropriate prepositions.

You can also engage in role-playing exercises with language partners or classmates where you simulate real-life conversations involving scheduling, making plans, or discussing past events. Act out scenarios like arranging meetings, setting deadlines, or planning vacations using time prepositions.

Participate in virtual role-play simulations or language exchange platforms where you can engage in conversational exercises that involve using time prepositions. Practice discussing schedules, arranging appointments, or recounting past experiences with native speakers or fellow learners.

Interactive Exercises

Interactive exercises provide dynamic opportunities to reinforce your understanding of time-related prepositions in Spanish. Explore language learning platforms and apps like Langster that gamify the practice of time prepositions through interactive quizzes, games, and challenges.

Look for features such as progress tracking, leaderboards, and rewards to enhance motivation and engagement, such as online videos, podcasts, or interactive tutorials that incorporate time-related prepositions in authentic contexts.

Follow along with guided exercises, pause for practice opportunities, and interact with comprehension checks to reinforce learning.

After completing interactive exercises, take time to reflect on your performance and identify areas for improvement. Review incorrect responses, analyze patterns of errors, and revisit relevant learning materials to reinforce concepts and improve accuracy over time.

Listening Comprehension

Enhancing your listening comprehension skills in Spanish involves actively engaging with spoken language to understand how prepositions are used in various contexts. Explore a wide range of Spanish audio content, including podcasts, radio programs, audiobooks, and online videos. Choose topics that interest you and contain natural conversations where speakers use prepositions in different situations.

Listen attentively to how speakers use prepositions to convey spatial relationships, time expressions, and other nuances in speech. Pay close attention to phrases that indicate location, movement, direction, and time frames.

Transcription Exercises

Challenge yourself by transcribing short passages or dialogues from Spanish audio sources. Focus on accurately capturing the prepositions used and their corresponding context within the spoken discourse. Compare your transcriptions with the original text to identify areas for improvement.

Practice repeating phrases or sentences containing prepositions after hearing them in Spanish audio recordings. This technique, known as shadowing, helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and overall fluency while reinforcing your understanding of prepositional usage.

Keep a Language Journal

Soren is sitting down at a desk, writing a journal, and practicing his Spanish.

Maintaining a language journal provides a structured opportunity to practice using Spanish prepositions in written form while documenting your language-learning journey.

Dedicate time each day to write in your language journal, recording observations, thoughts, experiences, and reflections in Spanish. Practice using appropriate prepositions by incorporating specific details about time, location, and spatial relationships.

Incorporate time-related prepositions into your journal writing practice by describing daily routines, reflections on past events, or future plans. Challenge yourself to vary the time frames and contexts to strengthen your proficiency in using prepositions accurately.

Explore creative writing prompts that imply the use of time prepositions in imaginative ways. For instance, write a short story set in a specific time period or create fictional characters with distinct schedules and routines.

Finally, it's a good idea to share your written compositions or verbal descriptions with peers or tutors for feedback on your usage of time prepositions. Collaborate on editing and revising exercises to refine your understanding and expression of temporal relationships.

Time-Specific Entries

Include entries that focus on describing your daily routines, activities, and events, paying particular attention to the time frames indicated by Spanish prepositions. Write about when activities occur, how long they last, and any temporal relationships between events.

Vocabulary Expansion

Use your language journal as an opportunity to expand your vocabulary related to time expressions and prepositions. Look up new words and phrases associated with time, duration, frequency, and temporal relationships, and incorporate them into your writing.

Self-Reflection and Analysis

Periodically review your journal entries to assess your progress in using Spanish prepositions accurately and effectively. Reflect on areas where you may need improvement, and set goals for further development in your writing skills.

Consider sharing excerpts from your language journal with language partners, tutors, or instructors for feedback and correction. Incorporate suggestions for improvement, and use corrected entries as learning opportunities to reinforce proper preposition usage.

Review and Reinforce

Consistent review and reinforcement are crucial for strengthening your grasp of Spanish prepositions and maintaining your language skills over time.

Set aside dedicated time each week to review the Spanish prepositions you've learned, including their meanings, usage rules, and common expressions:

  • Use flashcards, mnemonic devices, or digital quizzes to reinforce your knowledge.
  • Practice using Spanish prepositions in context through speaking, writing, and listening exercises.
  • Create scenarios or prompts that require you to apply prepositions accurately in sentences, conversations, or narratives.

Integrated Language Practice

Integrate prepositional practice into your broader language learning activities, such as vocabulary drills, grammar exercises, and communicative tasks. Look for opportunities to incorporate prepositions naturally in your interactions and expressions.

When reviewing written or spoken language samples, identify any errors or inconsistencies in your use of Spanish prepositions. Analyze the context of each error, and make conscious efforts to correct and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Progress Tracking

Keep track of your progress in mastering Spanish prepositions by monitoring your performance over time. Set measurable goals for improvement, such as increasing your accuracy rate in prepositional usage or expanding your repertoire of prepositional expressions.


Soren is using Langster to learn Spanish from the beach.

In conclusion, while mastering Spanish prepositions can be challenging for English speakers, utilizing effective resources can make the process more approachable and enjoyable. One such resource is our Langster app, an interactive language learning platform designed to help you practice and internalize Spanish prepositions through contextual exercises and immersive storytelling.

By incorporating Langster into your study routine, you can accelerate your understanding of Spanish prepositions and make real progress toward fluency. So, take the leap, engage with Langster's rich learning environment, and watch as prepositions seamlessly integrate into your Spanish skill set.

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Daniela brings over a decade of expertise as a university-level ESL instructor, guiding students from diverse global backgrounds in learning both English and Spanish languages. Beyond her pedagogical pursuits, Daniela's passions extend to writing, painting, and cooking delicious Argentinian dishes. With boundless enthusiasm, she endeavors to impart her wealth of knowledge on languages and cultures, inviting you to learn more!