The Spanish language is renowned for its charming sounds and easy flow. Within this enchanting cadence, one word stands out as a powerful expression of admiration, appreciation, and love: "beautiful" — or hermosa in Spanish.
Whether you're engaging in a heartfelt conversation with a close friend, expressing affection to a cherished family member, or serenading a romantic partner, conveying their beauty in Spanish is a surefire way to make them feel deeply appreciated. The word hermosa carries a profound weight, capturing the essence of aesthetic appeal and inner radiance.
Don't miss out on the chance to embellish your relationships with Spanish words, and learn how to say "beautiful" in many different ways with our article!
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10+ Ways To Say Beautiful In Spanish
The Spanish language has a wide range of words that can describe beauty, ranging from physical attributes such as bella or bello (beautiful) or linda or lindo (pretty), to broader and more abstract concepts such as maravillosa (wonderful) or magnífica (magnificent).
If you learn these basic words, you can express admiration for not just someone's appearance but their character, too. Here are 10 alternatives to call someone "beautiful" in Spanish.

Hermosa/o (Beautiful)
This is the Spanish equivalent of the word "beautiful," conveying a sense of aesthetic appeal, charm, and admiration.
For example, you can use it to describe a beautiful girl or a beautiful boy.
Ella es una mujer hermosa de cabello largo y ojos brillantes.
She is a beautiful woman with long hair and bright eyes.
La joya es una pieza hermosa de artesanía fina.
The jewelry is a beautiful piece of fine craftsmanship.
Radiante (Radiant)
The Spanish word radiante is used to describe something or someone that is radiant, shining, or glowing.
It carries a connotation of brightness, luminosity, and a captivating aura.
Ella lucía radiante en su vestido de novia.
She looked radiant in her wedding dress.
El sol brilla radiante en el cielo despejado.
The sun shines radiantly in the clear sky.
Deslumbrante (Stunning or Dazzling)
This adjective translates as "dazzling" in English and should be used when you're trying to express just how amazing someone looks or how wonderful an experience was.
You can also use it to describe people, especially someone you love.
La actriz lucía deslumbrante en su vestido de gala.
The actress looked dazzling in her evening gown.
El fuego artificial en la noche creó una vista deslumbrante.
The fireworks at night created a dazzling sight.
Bonita/o (Pretty)
This Spanish word is often used to express admiration for another person's physical beauty and is a great way to give them a compliment without going too over the top.
La casa antigua tiene un jardín bonito lleno de flores.
The old house has a pretty garden full of flowers.
Preciosa/o (Very Beautiful)
Another great option is preciosa or precioso, depending on the gender of the person you want to compliment using Spanish adjectives.
This word means “very beautiful” or “very precious” in Spanish. It's a great way of expressing your appreciation for someone without going overboard on the compliments.
El bebé recién nacido es simplemente precioso, con sus mejillas rosadas.
The newborn baby is simply precious, with their rosy cheeks.
Encantadora/o (Charming)
This term can mean “enchanting” or “charming,” making it perfect for expressing how captivating someone is when you first see them or when they do something special that stands out, such as a beautiful woman.
Aquella bailarina es realmente encantadora.
That dancer is really enchanting.
Estupenda/o (Wonderful)
This Spanish adjective means "wonderful" in Spanish.
It can be used to describe everything from people to natural scenery and everyday things like sunsets and food, particularly in Latin America.
La comida en este restaurante es estupenda.
The food at this restaurant is wonderful.
Espléndida/o (Splendid)
Similar to the English word "splendid," this Spanish term is perfect for describing anything that strikes you as beautiful or extraordinary, from a person to a precious stone.
La cascada espléndida era un espectáculo de la naturaleza.
The splendid waterfall was a spectacle of nature.
Magnífica/o (Magnificent)
This word is derived from the Latin magna facit, meaning "magnificent."
It's often used to describe an intense feeling of admiration and appreciation for something spectacularly beautiful or awe-inspiring in Spanish-speaking countries.
La puesta de sol en el desierto fue un espectáculo magnífico.
The sunset in the desert was a magnificent spectacle.
Fabulosa/o (Fabulous)
This Spanish term translates as "fabulous," so it's perfect for describing something that left you speechless with its beauty or skillfulness — such as a stunning dance performance or a breathtaking landscape view!
You can also use it to describe a feminine or masculine noun, such as:
El arte callejero en el vecindario le da un toque fabuloso y creativo.
The street art in the neighborhood adds a fabulous and creative touch.
Maravillosa/o (Marvelous)
Meaning both "wonderful" and "marvelous," this word can be used to express feelings of awe and amazement towards anything extraordinary — whether that's in the form of nature, art, people — whatever strikes your fancy.
La voz del cantante de Coldplay es maravillosa.
The voice of Coldplay's singer is marvelous.
How to Make "Beautiful" Even More Effusive in the Spanish Language
As you can see, Spanish has many different ways to make “beautiful” even more effusive. For instance, you can use the term sensacional, which literally means “sensational.” This implies a captivating or powerful impression of something or someone that is deeply moving and awe-inspiring.

Additionally, you can learn adverbs that are used to emphasize beauty by intensifying the adjective that describes it. For example, words like muy (very), realmente (truly), extremadamente (extremely), sumamente (exceedingly), and increíblemente (incredibly) can be used to convey a stronger sense of beauty.
Here are a few examples:
El paisaje es realmente hermoso.
The landscape is truly beautiful.
La puesta de sol es extremadamente bella.
The sunset is extremely beautiful.
La obra de arte es sumamente increíble.
The artwork is exceedingly incredible.
El vestido es increíblemente agradable.
The dress is incredibly nice.
How to Use Eres + Adjective
One way to express beauty in Spanish is to use eres followed by an adjective. This phrase expresses a deep feeling of admiration toward the person it is directed at. The word eres literally means "you are."

So, when we say Eres hermosa, we are literally saying that the other person is beautiful. The structure of the sentence would be:
Tu + “eres” + adjetivo
Tú eres hermosa como el sol.
You're beautiful like the sun.
Tú eres espléndido, mira qué bien te vistes.
You're splendid, look at how fine your clothes are.
Why Learn Spanish Words for “Beautiful”?
Spanish words for “beautiful” can help us to express our appreciation for someone's beauty in a more meaningful and eloquent way. It is an excellent way to show respect and admiration while avoiding the use of cliches or overused terms.
Spanish also has a wide range of synonyms to describe beauty, from preciosa to maravillosa. Knowing multiple ways to express one sentiment adds both depth and dimension to the expression.
Furthermore, learning Spanish words for “beautiful” can also be beneficial in other areas, such as literature, music, film, art, and culture, as it can give us new insights into the views and feelings of people from different cultures.
By learning these words, we can learn more about the perspectives and values of those living outside of our own cultural bubble.
Words for "Beautiful": Grammar Rules to Keep in Mind
When using these adjectives, remember to match the gender and number of the noun it is describing.
For example, if a word is masculine, you must use the masculine form of the adjective. Let's go into more detail about these grammar rules below.
Remember Noun-Adjective Agreement
Adjectives in Spanish need to agree in gender with the noun they modify. If the noun is masculine, the adjective should be masculine, and if the noun is feminine, the adjective should be feminine. So, you should match Spanish spelling rules ("a" for feminine and "o" for masculine nouns).
Let's have a look at a couple of examples:
El paisaje es hermoso.
The landscape is beautiful.
La playa es hermosa.
The beach is beautiful.
Number Agreement
Adjectives also need to agree in number with the noun they modify. If the noun is singular, the adjective should be singular, and if the noun is plural, the adjective should be plural.
El árbol es hermoso.
The tree is beautiful.
Los árboles son hermosos.
The trees are beautiful.
Position of Adjectives
In Spanish, adjectives generally come after the noun they modify, unlike in English, where they typically precede the noun.
However, when emphasizing beauty, placing the adjective before the noun is common for a more poetic or expressive effect.
Una hermosa flor.
A beautiful flower.
Un hermoso amanecer.
A beautiful sunrise.
Adverb Intensifiers
As mentioned earlier, adverbs can be used to intensify an adjective and convey a stronger sense of beauty. When using one of these intensifiers, it should go right before the adjective it is paired with.
Ayer vi un hombre muy hermoso por la calle.
Yesterday, I saw a very beautiful man on the street.
Esa es una flor increíblemente hermosa.
That's an incredibly beautiful flower.
By following these grammar rules and incorporating adverb intensifiers, you will be able to describe and emphasize beauty in Spanish accurately.
Remember to consider gender, number, and adjective placement to ensure proper agreement with the noun being described.
The Bottom Line

Using the term "beautiful" goes beyond just the word itself. When you utter hermosa/o in the context of someone's presence, you tap into the expressive richness of the Spanish language, bringing forth the passion and warmth embedded within each syllable.
So, whether you're seeking to celebrate the unique beauty of a loved one's soul or simply yearning to convey your genuine admiration, embracing the many words for “beautiful” in your Spanish expressions can have a profound impact. Now, it's your turn to explore the power of this language. Practice incorporating these terms of endearment into your conversations, and witness the magic unfold.
And, if you need more resources to practice these new terms, take advantage of Langster. Whether you want to use the app or the web version, you'll be able to learn a lot of Spanish vocabulary using engaging stories instead of long lists of words. Get started today, and compliment the ones you love in Spanish!
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