Anyone can learn French on their own, but takes some organization and planning, as well as dedication and motivation to see it through. Fortunately, even if you decide to go through the language learning journey by yourself, there are many methods and materials that can help you.
In the article below, we’ve got several tips that will help organize everything and keep you on track when starting to learn the French language on your own. Try them out, mix and match – this will help you the best way to learn based on your individual needs and goals, and adjust the methods to your schedule.
But in the long run, try to stick to those that you like and those that make the learning process fun – after all, learning French should be enjoyable in the first place. Remember that when choosing the best tips for you – and read on!
Learn French with Langster
Structure the Process
When it comes to learning a new language, having a structured approach is key. This means setting specific goals, planning your learning schedule, and breaking the process down into manageable tasks.
Make sure to start with the learning basics like basic verb conjugation, and then move on to more complex topics, such as the subjunctive mood or passive voice.
Another thing you should remember when structuring the French learning process is to divide it based on skills: make sure you pay enough attention to reading, writing, listening, grammar, and speaking equally. You can spend hours learning French vocabulary on YouTube, but if you don’t know anything about the French language structure, you won’t be able to speak French fluently.
Structuring your learning process will help you not feel overwhelmed by focusing on one task at a time. It will also allow you to keep track of your progress, see your improvements along the way, and study smarter, not harder.
Study Regularly
One of the most important aspects of learning any language is to study regularly. This means setting aside some time each day – or at least every other day – to focus on your French. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, this dedicated time will help you progress faster and retain what you’ve learned better.
Of course, life happens, and there will be days when you can’t stick to your schedule. But try not to miss more than a few days in a row of studying – otherwise, it will be difficult to get back on track.
If you’re having trouble sticking to a regular study schedule, there are a few things you can do to make it easier.
First of all, set realistic goals – for example, studying for 30 minutes every day instead of two hours every two days. Secondly, find a study buddy or join a language learning group – this will help you stay accountable and motivated.
Finally, make sure to reward yourself after each study session with something small, such as watching your favorite TV show in French or eating a piece of French cheese.

Find Your Perfect Learning Method
When it comes to learning French on your own, there is no one-size-fits-all method. The best way to learn French will vary from person to person, depending on factors such as your learning style, schedule, and goals.
That’s why it’s important to experiment with different methods until you find the ones that work best for you. Some people learn better by listening to audio lessons, while others prefer watching French movies with subtitles. Some like language learning apps, while others would look for free grammar lessons online.
Most people find it best to use a combination of methods. Try this for yourself: choose several learning methods – for example, stories from Langster, grammar explanations on YouTube, watching French tv-series with French subtitles, and exercises on a language learning platform – and use them equally during the course of a week.
See if that works for you and if not, feel free to adjust things or look for something new. The most important thing is to find methods that you enjoy and that fit your schedule – otherwise, you’re likely to give up before you even make significant progress.
Listen as Much as Possible
If you decide to learn French on your own, it can be tempting to focus only on the written aspect of the language. After all, if you want to learn how to read and write in French, it makes sense to spend most of your time doing just that.
But if you want to speak French fluently, you need to make sure you also spend enough time listening to it. After all, French is a spoken language, and if you want to be able to hold a conversation in French, you need to be able to understand what people are saying. And this can be quite challenging.
So how can you listen to French if you’re not surrounded by French speakers? There are actually many ways to accomplish this.
You can find audio lessons online like on YouTube, listen to French podcasts, or even watch French movies with subtitles. You can also try free audio exercises online, or even use a translation platform to listen to whole sentences. Finally, you can download a language app such as Langster, where you can listen to the sentences and words being read out loud by native French speakers.
Whatever method you choose, make sure to spend some time every day listening to French. This will help you get used to the sounds of the language and improve your comprehension skills.

Start Speaking French As Soon as Possible
It can be tempting to wait until you feel confident enough to start speaking French. But if you want to learn how to speak French fluently, it’s important to start speaking it as soon as possible.
This doesn’t mean that you have to jump into a conversation with a native speaker without any preparation. But it does mean that you should start practicing your speaking skills as soon as you begin learning French.
One way to do this is to find a language exchange partner – someone who speaks French and wants to learn your language. This way, you can practice speaking French with someone who is at a similar level as you are. Another option is to join a French conversation group or take online classes with a native speaker.
Finally, if you’re not ready to speak with other people yet, you can also practice your speaking skills by recording yourself. This can be a great way to get feedback on your pronunciation and to find out which areas you need to work on.
Read to Boost Your Vocabulary
If you want to become fluent in French, it’s important to boost your vocabulary. And one of the best ways to do this is by reading.
When you read, you will come across new French words and phrases that you can add to your vocabulary. You will also be able to see how these words are used in context, which will help you remember how to use them.
To get started, you can find French books, newspapers, and magazines online or at your local library. If you’re a beginner, look for books that are specifically written for language learners. You can also try reading children’s books or comics, as they usually contain simpler language.
As you progress, you can start reading more challenging texts, such as novels or articles on current affairs. Not only will this help you improve your reading skills, but it will also keep you up to date with what’s happening in the French-speaking world.
Check and Correct Your Grammar Exercises
If you’re doing grammar exercises to learn French, it’s important to check and correct them regularly. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes over and over again as well as reinforce what you have learned.
Learning French on your own doesn’t usually include any work with a French teacher, but this doesn’t mean you can’t get help. One way to check your exercises is to ask a native speaker to check your work.
If you don’t know any French speakers, you can also try posting your exercise in a language learning forum or on social media. And, of course, you can always use a grammar checker online.
A good option is to keep a notebook where you write down all the mistakes you make while speaking or writing in French together with the corresponding rules. This way, you can go back and review these mistakes later on, so you don’t make them again.
Join a Language Learning Community
One of the best ways to motivate yourself to learn French is to join a language learning community. This can be a great way to meet other people who are also interested in learning French and practice your speaking skills.
There are many language learning communities online, such as MyLanguageExchange and italki. These websites allow you to find language exchange partners or teachers from all over the world. There are also meetups or events that you can attend in person.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can also check out meetup.com or Facebook groups in your area and look for language exchange meetings. These provide a great opportunity to practice talking in French to native speakers and make new friends and acquaintances.

Immerse Yourself in the French Culture and Language
One of the best ways to learn French is to immerse yourself in the language and culture. This means surrounding yourself with as much French as possible so that you can quickly pick up new words and phrases.
There are many ways to do this, but here are our TOP-4:
Watch French Videos with Subtitles
Listening to French is a great way to improve your listening skills, learn new vocabulary, and get to know more about French culture. But it can be difficult to understand everything that’s being said, especially if you’re a beginner.
A great way to overcome this is to watch French videos with subtitles. This way, you can follow along with what’s being said and look up any words or phrases you don’t understand. You can find French videos on YouTube, Netflix, and other websites.
Try Games in French
Games are not just for children – they can also be a great way to learn French! There are many different types of games that can help you learn, such as board games, video games, and online games.
You can, for example, change the language on your computer game to French, or buy your favorite board game in the French-language option, or simply play Scrabble using French words. The options are limitless – use your imagination to find a way to introduce the French language into your favorite games.
One of the great things about learning with games is that they can be both fun and challenging. This combination will help keep you motivated to continue learning. Just make sure to choose something that is enjoyable for you – this will keep you going for longer.
Travel to a French-speaking Country
If you really want to immerse yourself in the French language and culture, there’s no better way than to travel to a French-speaking country. This will allow you to practice your speaking skills on a daily basis and learn about the culture firsthand.
Some popular French-speaking destinations include France, Quebec (Canada), Switzerland, Belgium, and Monaco. But there are many other countries where French is spoken, such as Senegal, Laos, and Vanuatu.
If you’re not ready to travel just yet, you can also try attending events or meetups in your city that are hosted by people from a French-speaking country. This can be a great way to get started, meet conversation partners, and learn more about what it’s like to speak French on a daily basis.
Create a French-Speaking Environment at Home
Finally, one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the French language is to create a French-speaking environment at home.
You can do this by hanging up stickers with French words and phrases around your house. You can also put up pictures of France or other French-speaking countries to keep you motivated. You could also set your phone language to French – this will work even for beginners, since we usually know most of the phone options by heart.
The Main Tip: Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to learning French, there is no “right” way to do it. Everyone learns differently, so it’s important to find a method that works best for you. The key here is to trust your instincts and stick to the things that you enjoy rather than those that someone recommended.
Remember about regular practice, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and enjoy the process of discovery. With a little bit of effort and structuring, learning French on your own can become an enjoyable and fruitful experience.