Welcome to your handy guide on how to say "egg" in French! Whether you're a beginner in French language studies or are planning a culinary adventure in a French-speaking country, this guide will equip you with the essential vocabulary you need.
Throughout this article, we will explore the singular and plural forms of the word "egg," provide useful example sentences, and offer handy pronunciation tips to ensure your French language skills are œuf-traordinary!
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Singular Form: Œuf
In its singular form, "egg" is translated as œuf in French. Pronouncing it in French can be a bit tricky for non-native speakers.
When saying un œuf (an egg), it is pronounced exactly the same way as un neuf (a nine). The "n" in "un" is strongly liaised with the following word, and the final "f" in "œuf" is pronounced. Hence, you would say "un œuf" as "uh noof":
un œuf
an egg
un neuf
a nine
Similarly, when saying l'œuf (the egg), the final "f" is still pronounced. So, l'œuf would sound like “luh oof":
the egg
Remember to practice these pronunciations to perfect your French speaking skills.
Here’s how you might put it in a sentence:
Un bébé oiseau est sorti de son œuf.
A baby bird hatched from its egg.
J'ai besoin d'un œuf pour faire une omelette.
I need an egg to make an omelette.
Elle mange toujours un œuf au petit-déjeuner.
She always eats an egg for breakfast.
Plural Form: Œufs
When it comes to plurals, "eggs" translates to œufs in French.
Here are some examples:
Nous avons acheté six œufs au marché.
We bought six eggs at the market.
Les enfants adorent manger des œufs brouillés.
The children love to eat scrambled eggs.
The plural form of "egg" in French comes with its own set of pronunciation rules. When saying des œufs (some eggs), the "f" disappears, and the final "s" is silent. You will pronounce it as dé zeu, with a strong liaison with the "s" of des.
Il veut des œufs pour le déjeuner.
He wants some eggs for lunch.
Similarly, les œufs (the eggs), six œufs (six eggs), and douze œufs (twelve eggs) follow the same rule. The "f" in œufs is silent, and there is a strong liaison with the "s" or the "z" in les, six, and douze respectively.
Thus, you would say:
- les œufs → "lay zeu,"
- six œufs → “see zeu,"
- douze œufs → “douz zeu."
French people often use these phrases when discussing quantities of eggs, so remember to practice the pronunciation. Here are some examples:
Les œufs sont dans le réfrigérateur.
The eggs are in the refrigerator.
J'ai acheté six œufs au marché.
I bought six eggs at the market.
Elle a besoin de douze œufs pour faire un gâteau.
She needs twelve eggs to make a cake.
More Pronunciation Tips
- The "œ" in œuf is a unique French letter and is pronounced with rounded lips, similar to the sound made when pronouncing "oo."
- The final "f" in both singular and plural forms of œuf is pronounced as a soft "v."
- When using œufs in a sentence, pay attention to liaisons with the following words that start with a vowel.
French Egg Vocabulary

Now that you’ve mastered how to say "egg" in French, let's explore the related vocabulary. First of all, let’s have a look at the anatomy of a French egg:
la coquille
the shell
le blanc
the white
le jaune
the yolk
An ovum egg, in turn, is called ovule in French.
Now, you probably have your favorite method of cooked eggs and would like to order exactly those when in a French restaurant, but what’s the French translation for that?
Here are some useful French names for egg dishes to help your search:
un œuf à la coque
a soft-boiled egg in the shell
un œuf mollet
a soft-boiled egg
un œuf due
a hard-boiled egg
un œuf poché
a poached egg
une omelette, bien cuite ou baveuse
an omelet, either cooked through or runny
un œuf au plat
a sunny side up egg
un œuf au plat cuit des deux côtés
an egg cooked on both sides (akin to "over easy" in English), although this style isn't common in France
des œufs brouillés
scrambled eggs

As you now know, the French word for "egg" is œuf, which can be used in both singular and plural forms. Remember to pay attention to pronunciation and liaisons when using this word in a sentence.
To help you pick up proper pronunciation and phrasing, make sure to download our Langster app and learn French with stories!
Now you can confidently order an omelet or scrambled eggs in French!
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